Epidural and Facet Joint Injections


Requirements for Epidural? Injections:

  • Patient must have an MRI of the lumbar spine within one year of injection. ? We must have MRI images prior to injection.
  • MRI and injection may be scheduled the same day.
  • Plain films are also recommended.
  • If on Coumadin or blood thinners, stop 5 days prior to injection. Patients may resume Coumadin or blood thinners the day after the injection.
  • Patients can continue taking aspirin.
  • Patients receiving epidural injections must have a driver.
  • Three days of rest is recommended after the injection, injections are less effective otherwise.
  • Patients may receive up to 4 injections per year, allow at least 2 weeks between injections.

Requirements for Joint Injection:

  • Recent plain film (within a year)
  • If on Coumadin or blood thinners, stop 5 days prior to injection. Patients may resume Coumadin or blood thinners the same day after injection.
  • Patients can continue taking asprin.
  • Three days of rest recommended after the injection, injections are less effective otherwise.
  • Patients may receive up to 4 injections per year,? allow at least 2 weeks between injections.
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