Preparation Instructions

We will send you the following two items that will help you get ready for your procedure:

  • Tagitol V 20 mL bottles (3)
  • Omnipaque 300 30 mL bottle (1)


Before you begin your preparations, you will need to purchase two items from your local pharmacy or Walmart etc:

  • Magnesium Citrate Saline Laxative (any flavor) – purchase one (1) 10 oz.  bottle
  • Dulcolax (bisacodyl 5 mg) purchase 25 count or less – You will be taking four (4) tablets


The above four items will get your bowels ready for your procedure.  Please follow the detailed instructions below.

Note: A high fluid intake is required for this preparation. Drink at least one full 8-ounce glass of water at each of the times specified. DO NOT USE MILK, CREAM OR NONDAIRY CREAMER.


  • No solid food the day before the procedure.
  • Take clear liquids only (i.e. water, coffee, tea , juices, soda, broth, jello, etc)
  • Try to drink 8 ounces (about one glass), at the least, every hour. (Try never to be thirsty).


Day before your Procedure:

Breakfast (about 8 a.m.): clear soups (fat-free), small portions of skinless chicken, turkey, or fish, boiled or poached egg, white bread (no butter), plus any of the Clear Liquid . One (#1) 20 ml bottle of Tagitol V. Shake well.

Noon: Clear soup (any broth); strained fruit juices without pulp; flavored Jell-O of any color (do not add extra ingredients); soft drinks, black coffee or plain tea.  One (#2) 20 ml bottle of Tagitol V. Shake well.

1 pm: Drink one full 8-ounce glass of water

2 pm: Drink one full 8-ounce glass of water

3 pm: Drink one full 8-ounce glass of water

4 pm: Drink one full 8-ounce glass of water

5 pm: (Dinner) Clear soup (any broth); strained fruit juices without pulp; flavored jello of any color (do not add extra ingredients); soft drinks, black coffee or plain tea.  One (#3) 20 ml bottle of Tagitol V.  Shake well.

5:30 pm: Take 10 oz bottle Magnesium Citrate & follow with 8 oz clear liquids

6 pm: Drink one full 8-ounce glass of water

7 pm: Drink one full 8-ounce glass of water

7:30 pm: Peel the backing off the packet of bisacodyl tablets and remove the four enclosed tablets. Take all four (4) with one 8-ounce glass of water. DO NOT CRUSH, CHEW OR BREAK THE TABLETS.

8 pm: Drink one full 8-ounce glass of water.

9 pm: Mix the 30 mL bottle of Omnipaque with a glass of water or other clear liquid (7-Up or Sprite) and drink. Do not eat after 9 p.m.

Warning: Omnipaque should not be taken if you have a history of prior allergy to an imaging contrast containing iodine.

Day of Procedure

  • Do not eat or drink anything for eight hours before the procedure.


After Your Exam

There are no restrictions placed on you after this procedure. You may drive yourself home and resume your normal schedule.



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