These are our most common codes that we bill. For assistance with pricing or CPT codes for other tests not found on this list our billing office is available Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm. To speak to a billing specialist call 859-278-6724 or 1-800-600-2797.

CT scan

70450 CT Brain without contrast material
70470 CT Brain with and without contrast material
70480 CT Orbit(s) without contrast material
70486 CT Maxillofacial without contrast material
71250 CT Chest without contrast material
71260 CT Chest with contrast material
71270 CT Chest with and without contrast material
72192 CT Pelvis without contrast material
72193 CT Pelvis with contrast material
73700 CT Lower Extremity without contrast material
74150 CT Abdomen without contrast material
74160 CT Abdomen with contrast material
74170 CT Abdomen with and without contrast material
74176 CT Abdomen and Pelvis without contrast material
74177 CT Abdomen and Pelvis with contrast material
74178 CT Abdomen and Pelvis with and without contrast material

MRI scan

70540 MRI Orbits with and without contrast material
70551 MRI Brain without contrast material
70553 MRI Brain with and without contrast material
72141 MRI Cervical Spine without contrast material
72146 MRI Thoracic Spine without contrast material
72148 MRI Lumbar Spine without contrast material
72156 MRI Cervical Spine with and without contrast material
72157 MRI Thoracic Spine with and without contrast material
72158 MRI Lumbar Spine with and without contrast material
72195 MRI Pelvis (or sacrum) without contrast material
73221 MRI Upper Extremity JOINT without contrast
73222 MRI Upper Extremity Joint with contrast material
73718 MRI Lower Extremity without contrast material
73721 MRI Lower Extremity JOINT without contrast

MRA scan

70544 MRA Head without contrast
70547 MRA Neck without contrast
70549 MRA Neck with and without contrast


71020 X-RAY Chest, two views, frontal and lateral (PA & Lat)
72100 X-RAY Lumbar Spines, 2 or 3 views
73562 X-RAY Knee, 3 views
74000 X-RAY Abdomen, single anteroposterial view (KUB)
77080 DEXA Bone density


76536 US, soft tissues head & neck
76700 US, abdominal, complete
76705 US, abdominal, limited (single organ, quadrant)
76770 US, retroperitoneal (eg. renal, aorta, nodes)
76830 US, transvaginal, nonobstetrical
76881 US, extremity, nonvascular, complete
93880 Duplex scan of extracranial arteries, carotids
93971 Duplex scan of extremity veins

Nuclear Medicine scans

78012 Thyroid uptake, single or multiple quantitative meas.
78013 Thyroid imaging only
78014 Thyroid uptake and scan
78226 HIDA scan
78227 HIDA scan with CCK
78300 Limited Bone scan
78306 Whole Body Bone scan
78315 3-Phase Bone scan
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